
Extension studies quality-assurance

Mr. Jan Hempel decided to attend two courses at the Chamber of Commerce in order to expand his knowledge in the sphere of quality-assurance. Management and staff support his plans, wishing him all the best.

Apprentice succeeded in final exam

In July 2013, Mr. Jan Hempel performed brilliantly in his final exam to "inventory management specialist". Management and staff congratulate him on the successful graduation, wishing him all the best for his future career. Mr. Hempel has furthermore decided to continue his education and gain insight into the sphere of quality assurance. Currently, he attends a course to become a "quality assistant" at the chamber of industry and commerce.

40 years of experience

On September 1st, 2012 two members of our staff celebrated their jubilee.

Ms Ursula Schumacher can look back on 30 years of experience in the export sector, and Ms Maike Randewig has been part of the Wilhelm Schmerbeck team for 10 years.

Management and staff congratulate the two colleagues on their jubilees, looking forward to many more years of good cooperation.

Mrs Schumacher und Mrs Randewig

15th Jubilee Mr. Bönner

On January 1st, our authorized representative, Mr. Franz-Josef Bönner, celebrates his 15th jubilee at the Wilhelm Schmerbeck company.

He is head of the national sales department since 1997 and was granted procuration in 2006.

Management and staff congratulate Mr. Bönner on his jubilee and look forward to many years of good and successful cooperation.

Jubilee Mr Franz-Hosef Bönner


Mrs Feld joined the management

As from 01.01.2011 Mrs. Yvonne Feld is appointed manageress of the Wilhelm Schmerbeck GmbH. She has been working in the company for 5 years, currently in the export department. The appointment assures the continuation and future existence of the business in the 4th generation . Together with her parents Mrs Yvonne Feld will run the business in the following years, pushing the company´s continuous development and guaranteeing high quality products as well as individual customer care in close collaboration with a highly motivated and qualified team.

Mrs Yvonne Feld


10th jubilee Mrs. Brake

On September 1st, Mrs. Jessica Brake celebrated her 10th jubilee.
After having finished her apprenticeship, she joined the national purchase team of which she is still part today.

Jessica Brake


Mr. Schulte joined our team

On September 1st, Mr. Patrick Schulte from the neighbouring town "Sundern" joined the Wilhelm Schmerbeck company. He is supposed to support the national purchase team as well as the quality control department.

Patrick Schulte


Procurement Jens Löhnhardt

Mr. Jens Löhnhardt became a new authorized signatory of the company.
With 16 years of experience in various commercial issues, he took up the job in the export department.
Apart from that, he is in charge of the whole IT sector.

Management and staff congratulate Mr. Löhnhardt on his procuration.

Jens Löhnhardt


Jubilees Mr. Löhnhardt & Mrs Hammecke

On September 1st, Mr. Jens Löhnhardt can look back on 15 years which he spent working at our company.

After having completed his commercial education, he supported the national purchase team, especially Mr. Bönner, and after the retirement of Mr. Gerdes in 2009, he changed into the export team.

As graduate of computer sciences, Mr. Löhnhardt is further responsible for the complete IT sector.

Jubilee Jens Löhnhardt


Second celebratee of the year is Mrs Michaela Hammecke who has been member of the Wilhelm Schmerbeck team for 20 years on 01.08.2010. After having finished her apprenticeship in 1993, she joined the national purchase department where she is still working today.

DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2008

We have changed to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008!

In the course of an accreditation audit (CTA) by Lloyds Register on 02.11.2009 the conformance of our system has been approved.

The certificate was issued on 13.11.2009.

can be downloaded here!

Quality control improvement

With the beginning of 2009 we have upgraded our QA-department by purchasing a new 3D-measurement machine.

The CMM (DeMeet 400) is equipped with both an optical and tactile sensor.

Thus, we are able to meet our customers' increasing demand for a high quality standard.

Schut DeMeet 400


New quality employee

On October 1st, Mr. Klaus Bückner joined our team as new quality manager.

He is responsible for the whole sector of quality assurance.
Based on his qualification as well as his long-time experience and strong commitment he will enable us to satisfy our customers' quality requirements in the future.

Welcome to our team!

Klaus Bückner